Purpose of using injection quills in fire suppression systems

Injection quills in fire suppression systems

Fire suppression systems are essential in protecting buildings and other structures from the devastating effects of fire. These systems use a variety of chemicals to extinguish fires and prevent them from rekindling. Injection quills are a crucial component of these systems, as they are used to precisely and accurately introduce chemicals into the system. In… Continue reading Purpose of using injection quills in fire suppression systems

Benefits of using injection quills in fire suppression systems

Injection quills in fire suppression systems

Benefits of using injection quills in fire suppression systems Improved chemical dosing accuracy Injection quills improve chemical dosing accuracy in fire suppression systems by allowing for precise control over the amount and timing of chemical introduction. They are typically small-diameter tubes that are inserted into the system through a fitting or opening in the wall.… Continue reading Benefits of using injection quills in fire suppression systems

Types of chemicals used by injection quills in fire suppression systems

Injection quills in fire suppression systems

Types of chemicals used by injection quills in fire suppression systems Water-based agents Water-based agents are a common type of fire suppression chemical used in conjunction with injection quills in fire suppression systems. These agents are typically made up of water with added chemicals, such as surfactants, that increase their ability to extinguish fires. Some… Continue reading Types of chemicals used by injection quills in fire suppression systems